OK, it’s not ALL about the ba-bling, but having the right tools helps separate the men from the boys. I spend countless hours researching the latest and greatest production tools available. That research – along with decades of production experience – has allowed me to obtain the best gear available for superior Digital Cinema production. Having these tools at my disposal allows the creative team freedom to create productions that meet our clients’ communication goals: effective, cinematic quality productions completed on time and on budget.
DP Bill Thomas(l) and Director Bob Miano(r) utilize a shoulder mount for quick set-ups and freedom of camera movement.
We have various camera mounting options, from shoulder mounts and car mounts to computer controlled camera dollies. Perhaps the most impressive camera mount is our motion controlled camera slider or “pocket dolly”. This compact camera dolly allows precise and smooth dolly moves. And yet is light-weight and easily portable – sitting right on top of a traditional camera tripod. The camera smoothly moves along a track and is controlled by a small electronic joystick. Camera moves can be accomplished in “real-time” by the cameraman or programmed into the controller. Complex moves can be easily programmed, saved and instantly repeated at the push of a button.
miano.tv’s “pocket dolly” on location at the Campbell House Museum.
Of course, proper monitoring in the field is of paramount importance to insure the integrity of the finished product. We use a dual monitor system – incorporating a state-of-the-art 7″ monitor (only recently made available) mounted on the camera, which feeds a second, large High Definition monitor for the client. The image quality on both monitors is spectactuler.
This recently introduced High Definition monitor produces brilliant images.
miano.tv‘s commitment to acquiring the most innovative production tools is ongoing… But creating quality productions is not simply a matter of purchasing the latest technology. Our team of creative, dedicated professionals brings literally decades of experience to every project! That’s the true difference between what I have spent a lifetime doing and what “wannabe’s” are trying to do. Anyone can buy the equipment; few have a lifetime of award-winning experience to back it up!
Posted By
Bob Miano
Cameras, St. Louis video production
Bob Miano, Camera Equipment, Cinematography, Film Production, Film Production Equipment, Film Production St. Louis, Film Production Tips, Video Production St. Louis