June 23, 2016

Company Video: More Than Meets the Eye

Why You Need to be Utilizing Video For Your Company

Ultimately, you want customers to visit your site. And you want those same customers to buy whatever it is you are selling.

So how do you make that a reality? When it comes to content marketing, what is most effective?

Research from content marketing software provider HubSpot shows that a majority of marketing directors say company video content has the highest return on investment (ROI) of any form of content marketing. The same research showed that using the word “Video” in an email subject line boosts open rates by 19% and reduces unsubscribes by 26%. Further, the same researchers predict that by 2017, 74% of all content on the Internet will be video.

Corporate video isn’t just an addition to your content marketing strategy.

Video needs to be at the center of your marketing strategy.


For one, according to the same research mentioned above, video is the most effective mobile marketing tool. In fact, 49% of all video ad impressions come from mobile devices—a number that continues to skyrocket. And in just seven months, from April of 2015 to November of 2015, the number of daily video views on Facebook doubled from 4 billion to 8 billion!

The truth is in the numbers but the truth is also in our everyday lives.

After all, how many times has someone handed you their mobile device, and said, “Watch this?”

A professionally produced video brings your value proposition to life. It shows not just what you do but what you are about.

Video tells a story in a way that no other form of marketing can. sees that proven time and time again for clients.

Dustin McKissenDustin McKissen is the CEO and founder of McKissen + Company. Dustin writes a weekly column for and is one of the most read and engaged writers on LinkedIn. He is LinkedIn’s Top Voice on Management & Corporate Culture.