Using Video to Help with Fundraising | St. Louis Video Production
February 9, 2016

3 Things to Remember When Incorporating Video into Your Nonprofit Fundraising Campaign

By guest blogger Dustin McKissen of McKissen + Company

If you have ever worked for a nonprofit, or volunteered for a fundraising campaign, you know the moment that usually hooks a donor. It’s not the data that demonstrates the impact your organization has. It’s not the moment when a potential donor reads a very well-written, well-produced brochure.

It’s not the moment when you share your annual report.

Your donor becomes hooked when he or she really sees the difference you are making and hears your nonprofit’s story for the first time. And the most effective way to tell your story in a way that helps donors get a sense of your impact is through video.

Here are a few things to consider when incorporating video into your nonprofit’s fundraising campaign: filming nonprofit video

1. Tell the human side of your story.

When thinking about the content of your video, make sure you plan to include the people who are most passionate about the good work you do. Whether they are staff, board members, dedicated donors, or the family who just moved into their first home that your nonprofit built, feature stakeholders in your video who are passionate about your organization. Enlist the help of a professional video production company to help those stakeholders tell your story in a clear and compelling way.  Communication professionals are adept at connecting with viewers and opening their eyes to the value your organization offers the community.

Every day you see the meaning and impact of your nonprofit. Video brings that story to life in a way other forms of content marketing simply can’t.

mianotv_Variety_Monitor_0871_F_BLOG2. Make sure your video is integrated into your entire fundraising plan.

Making a great video is just the start. Make sure you have a plan to distribute that video through social media, email marketing, and your website. And ask staff, current donors, and other influential stakeholders to share the video.

Like anything in marketing, a philosophy of “Build it and they will come” won’t work.


3. Recording something on camera is easy. Telling a compelling story through video isn’t.

Every time your donors turn on the computer, log-on to their tablet, or pull their phone out of their pocket they are inundated with information. Don’t assume that just because your organization has a compelling cause your message will be able to cut through that noise.

Cutting through the noise with video will depend on producing good video content that effectively tells your story. You probably have a video camera on your phone, but creating content that inspires potential donors requires a team of communication specialists with a proven track record of reaching audiences.

Fortunately, has experience working with a number of nonprofits. We understand the budgetary challenges nonprofits face and have worked with multiple charities and foundations to create compelling video content that fits their budget.

Contact today and make video part of your next fundraising campaign.

Dustin McKissenDustin McKissen is the CEO and founder of McKissen + Company. Dustin writes a weekly column for and is one of the most read and engaged writers on LinkedIn. He is LinkedIn’s Top Voice on Management & Corporate Culture.