The love of visual arts and technology drives what I do today. From my first Kodak Brownie as a child to majoring in Television Production in college while working as a director at night, using technology to effectively communicate is in my blood. The same is true for every team member involved in any production. That’s not rhetoric; that’s reality. And it’s proven by awards, engaged audiences and satisfied clients.
Bob Miano
Let’s be clear. There is no shortage of folks who will tell you that they “do” video production. Just because someone owns a scalpel doesn’t make them a surgeon. And simply saying you are a “storyteller” doesn’t mean you have the ability to effectively communicate a message to an audience.
My work has been seen in boardrooms, breakrooms, and living rooms around the globe. My documentaries have played in sold-out movie theaters and are currently available from major online retailers including Amazon and PBS Home Video. This is what I do! I’ve been creating effective, award-winning projects for my entire professional career, spanning more than three decades. Likewise, the team of professionals brings to every project has years and years of experience.
What this means to you can be summed up in one word: security. When you choose to entrust your message to, you gain the security of knowing your message will be delivered effectively, on time and on budget … with no surprises.